OLYMPIC.CA Honoured for best sports website in the 18th Annual Webby Awards

TORONTO, ON – Trew Knowledge programmed Olympic.ca, now honoured among the Best Sports websites in the 18th Annual Webby Awards-next to UEFA.com, NBA.com and MLB.com. Regarded as, “The most prestigious award in the world” by the BBC, The Webby Awards is the global index of success for interactive work. Presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS), its members nominate and select winners to honour excellence on the Internet. The IADAS, is comprised of web industry experts, including media mogul Arianna Huffington, Skype CEO Tony Bates, Mozilla CEO and Chair Mitchell Baker, Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom, mobile-phone inventor Martin Cooper, and creator of the Jif Steve Wilhite.

The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) chose brand and digital agency Zync and their programming partner Trew Knowledge, to design, develop and support a site that would engage Canadian Olympic fans heading into, throughout and beyond the Sochi Olympic Games, with particular focus on a best-in-class mobile web experience.

“We brought Trew Knowledge to the project because of their expertise in WordPress, attention to detail and strong work ethic,” said Brad Breininger, Principal & Strategist at Zync. “After our work with the COC in mapping the site, developing an integrated user experience and focusing the creative around responsive design, they did an amazing job at bringing our vision to life from a technical standpoint.”

“Speed & function are critical for a responsive mobile site. Users need to navigate with ease, find information fast and experience the content on any device they choose to use,” said Shawn Barrans, Principle & Director of Marketing at Trew Knowledge. “The programming requirements for Olympic.ca focused on creating a dynamic experience for video, photo and social media content with a major importance placed on compatibility across mobile devices, allowing users to fully experience the responsive design.”

Olympic.ca drew 3 million+ unique visitors and over 50 million + page views during the Sochi Olympics; a 5,000% increase over the London Olympics in 2012. Inviting all Canadians to participate in the Olympic experience, the launch of the Olympic ID has since engaged more than 43,000 members who subscribed for exclusive Canadian Olympic content.

“Honourees like Zync and their programming partner Trew Knowledge are setting the standard for innovation and creativity on the Internet,” said David-Michel Davies, Executive Director of The Webby Awards. “It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 12,000 entries we received this year.”

About Trew Knowledge
Trew Knowledge is a creative marketing agency focused on delivering Strategic Marketing, Design and Digital Media solutions for today’s mobile world. Focused on building strong customer relationships, Trew Knowledge works with brands to create best in class digital marketing solutions that meet business needs. With a wide array of capabilities, working with Trew Knowledge can help define your vision, establish the right communications to reach your market and impact your audience.

About The Webby Awards
Hailed as the “Internet’s highest honour” by The New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honouring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, Interactive Advertising & Media, Online Film & Video, Mobile & Apps, and Social. Established in 1996, The Webby Awards received nearly 12,000 entries from over 60 countries worldwide this year. The Webby Awards is presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS). Sponsors and Partners of The Webby Awards include: Microsoft, Dell, MailChimp, AdAge, Mashable, Business Insider, Internet Week New York and Guardian News and Media.

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